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Sell Corporate Shares


WHEREAS, [Subscriber] has duly subscribed for [Amount of Shares] shares of the common stock for the aggregate subscription price of $ [Amount of Money] U.S. Dollars, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Corporation to accept said subscription; be it

RESOLVED, that the Corporation does hereby accept the stock subscription of [Subscriber] ,to purchase shares of the Corporation for $ [Amount of Money] U.S. Dollars and, it is

RESOLVED FURTHER, that upon tender of the subscription price, the Treasurer of the Corporation issue to [Subscriber] , or his or her nominee, [Amount of Shares] shares of the no-par value common stock.

The undersigned hereby certifies that [he/she] is the duly elected and qualified Secretary and the custodian of the records and books and seal of the [Name of Corporation] corporation. The undersigned also certifies that this corporation has been duly formed in accordance with the laws of [State of Jurisdiction]. Furthermore, the undersigned certifies that the foregoing is a true record of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors, and that said meeting was held in accordance with the applicable laws and the Bylaws of the [Name of Corporation] Corporation on [Date of Meeting], and that said resolution is now in full force and effect without modification or rescission.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed my name as Secretary and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of the [Name of Corporation] Corporation on [Date signed]

A True Record.

